Who will be in Lula’s cabinet?

A tentative list of Lula's new cabinet members

Lula wins brazil 2022 election

A tentative list of new Lula’s cabinet members

Alexandre Padilha: Workers Party stalwart and a former health minister. Strong contender for the post of Finance Minister.

Fernando Haddad: Workers Party stalwart and the former Sao Paulo mayor. He is also a contender for the Finance Minister’s post.

Wellington Dias: A former Piaui governor who was elected to the Senate. He can be Lula’s chief of staff.

Flavio Dino: A former Maranhao governor. He also won a Senate seat. He is most likely to be Lula’s justice minister.

Simone Tebet : Lula’s new ally. A member of the Federal Senate for Mato Grosso do Sul since 2015. She , as a key member of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, helped to build her party’s ties with Lula’s Workers’ Party. She had placed third in the presidential race. Later, she endorsed Lula in the runoff against Bolsonaro. Most probably, she will be given charge of either the Education Ministry or the Agriculture Ministry.

Marina Silva : Another new ally of Lula. Founder and former spokeswoman for the Sustainability Network Party. She was Lula’s environment minister during his first term in 2003.

Aloizio Mercadante : He was the coordinator of Lula’s election program. He would be a strong candidate for the post of planning minister.

Henrique Meirelles : He was the central bank governor at the start of Lula’s first presidency in 2003. He is a favorite to investors.

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