Russian diplomacy in Africa: An overview

Explore the history and current state of Russian diplomatic efforts in Africa, including economic and military ties, and geopolitical implications.

Russian Diplomacy in Africa

For the past few years, Russia has been working towards strengthening its diplomatic ties with African countries. The move has been aimed at enhancing its economic, military, and political interests in the continent. Russia has also been working towards countering the influence of Western countries in Africa. Even the war with Ukraine has not stopped Russia from extending its footprint in the continent. Let’s take a closer look at Russian diplomacy in Africa, its motivations, and its impact on the continent.

Russia’s Motivations for Diplomacy in Africa

Russia’s diplomatic outreach in Africa is not new. During the Soviet era, the Soviet Union established close ties with many African countries, particularly those that were newly independent. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s influence in Africa waned. However, in recent years, Russia has been working towards rebuilding its diplomatic ties with African countries.

One of the main motivations for Russia’s diplomatic outreach in Africa is economic. Russia is looking to expand its trade and investment in Africa, particularly in the energy and mining sectors. Africa is home to vast reserves of natural resources, and Russia sees it as a potential source of economic growth. By forging closer economic ties with African countries, Russia hopes to secure its energy and mineral supplies, as well as gain access to new markets for its exports.

Another motivation for Russia’s diplomatic outreach in Africa is military. Russia is looking to expand its military presence in the continent and sell weapons to African countries. Russia sees Africa as a potential market for its arms exports and a strategic location for military bases. By establishing military ties with African countries, Russia hopes to counter the influence of the United States and its allies in the continent.

The Atlantic Council, a think-tank based in Washington, reports that Russia had signed seven military cooperation agreements with African countries between 2010 and 2017. However, between 2017 and 2021, Russia increased its military agreements in Africa significantly, signing 20 in total. Of these agreements, over half were with countries that had no prior military ties with Russia.

Russian Diplomatic Efforts in Africa

To strengthen its diplomatic ties with Africa, Russia has taken several steps in recent years.

One of the most significant moves was the establishment of the Russia-Africa Summit in 2019. The summit brought together leaders from 43 African countries and was aimed at enhancing trade, investment, and political ties between Russia and Africa.

In the recently held (March 20, 2023) second Russia-Africa International Parliamentary Conference, Putin said that said that African nations will be important in the new world order and that Russia’s relationship with Africa is growing stronger. More than 40 African nations joined the conference.

Russia has also been signing a series of agreements with African countries, particularly in the energy and mining sectors. For example, Russia signed a deal with Sudan in 2019 to develop its oil industry. Russia has also signed agreements with Algeria, Angola, and Egypt to develop their nuclear power industries.

Russia has also been providing military support to African countries. In recent years, Russia has sold weapons to several African countries, including Egypt, Algeria, and Sudan. Russia has also been providing military training and support to countries such as the Central African Republic and Mozambique.

Russia delivered almost 12 million tonnes of grain to African countries during August 1 and September 20, 2022. In the second Parliamentary Conference, Put mentioned that if Russia doesn’t renew the grain deal, then it will send same amount of grain to African countries for free.

Russia was among the first countries to provide Africa countries vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Impact of Russian Diplomacy in Africa

Russia’s diplomatic outreach in Africa has had a significant impact on the continent. Russia’s economic and military support has enabled African countries to diversify their partnerships and reduce their reliance on Western countries. This has given African countries greater leverage in their negotiations with Western powers.

Russia’s influence in Africa has also raised concerns among US and Western countries. The United States has accused Russia of engaging in a “new colonialism” in Africa. It has accused it of undermining democracy and human rights in the continent.


Russia’s diplomatic outreach in Africa is part of a broader strategy to expand its influence and counter the influence of Western powers. Russia’s economic and military support has enabled African countries to diversify their partnerships and reduce their reliance on Western countries. While Russia’s influence in Africa has raised concerns among some Western countries, it has also given African countries greater leverage in their negotiations with Western powers.

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