How to improve your Dutch? 5 top tips

5 top tips from Dutch experts to improve your Dutch language skills: Get an overview, leverage similarities, identify low-hanging fruits, imitate native speech, & learn with passion.

Improve your Dutch language

It is often a challenging task to learn a new language, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be an enjoyable experience. If you are looking to improve your Dutch language skills, here are 5 top self-help tips from Dutch experts.

Get an overview of the Dutch language

To begin with, try to get an idea of the Dutch language as a whole. identify the basics you need to master to have a solid grasp of the language.

What are the frequently used vocabularies? Which key verbs will be most useful in creating a variety of meaningful sentences? What is the typical sentence structure?

Also look for the unique aspects of the Dutch language. Dutch people, for example, are fond of diminutives (in English, kitty is the diminutive for kitten or cat). They use diminutives to express affective, indicate smallness and make uncountable nouns countable (e.g., bier is beer, but biertje is a glass of beer).

Having this knowledge will save you from feeling overwhelmed. Please remember, a calm and relaxed approach maximizes learning.

Identify similarities between Dutch and the language(s) you already know

As a human being you possess knowledge of at least one language. So, we don’t need to start from scratch.

Since Dutch has similarities with other languages such as English, French, German, and some Hebrew there may be many words that are cognates to ones you already know. Some structures and rules may be similar to your language. English and German students consider Dutch the easiest language to learn.

Therefore, try to find out and leverage the similarities between Dutch and the language(s) you already speak.

Identify the low-hanging fruits to improve your Dutch

The biggest part of the language is easy to learn and can quickly be put into practice. Identify what seems easy to you within the Dutch language so that you can quickly get a foothold. Don’t focus too much on what you don’t understand yet.

Imitate the speech of native speakers

Another great self-help tip to improve your Dutch is to become accustomed to hearing yourself speak the Dutch language. Repeat short recordings of words or sentences spoken by native speakers as closely as possible. Watching Dutch contents on YouTube can be a great starter.

Learn Dutch with your passion

It will very helpful to regularly read and listen to Dutch sources that interest you the most. For example, if you like cooking check out the website of 24Kitchen. If you are a big sports fan, subscribe to ZiggoSport on YouTube. The rule is that you will be more interested in understanding what you are passionate about.

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