TV Shows That Will Keep You Hooked This Winter

Explore the Best TV Shows, Originals, and More. Our Guide Has You Covered! Love Every Show on Our List, Guaranteed.

With Netflix, people now watch television in full seasons rather than weekly snapshots. In other words, binge watching has been redefinesd. The on-demand service became popular with millions of subscribers thanks to its mix of original programming and shows from other networks. A variety of genre twists, including homegrown talent and international streaming behemoths, contributed to this year’s best TV series. This season was marked by series-best runs for a number of familiar favorites and perfectly-formatted limited series gems that kept us glued to our screens. Do you feel you’ve already seen everything on Netflix? You can find more options in our guide to the best Netflix TV Shows.

We guarantee that you will love watching every show on the list.

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The Last Kingdom

A Netflix series based on Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories novels, The Last Kingdom is set in late 9th century England before it became the country we know today as the United Kingdom.

best Netflix TV Shows

In the story, Vikings raise disenfranchised Saxon Uhtred of Bebbanburg from childhood. Bebbenburg is Uhtred’s ancestral home and he seeks to reclaim it. King Alfred hires him as a servant. To create a united England, Alfred, who would become Alfred the Great, had his sights set on unifying the seven

Saxon kingdoms

We would not recommend The Last Kingdom if you’re looking for something light and funny. The costuming and historical details are extremely well done. There’s no such thing as a true story in The Last Kingdom, but it follows actual historical figures while weaving in fiction.


Bridgerton is the perfect replacement for Outlander if you are looking for a steamy period drama. It is not your typical Austen affair, as Daphne Bridgerton teams up with the dashing Duke of Hastings to make herself more appealing to suitors in the Netflix show released back in December 2020. The second season of Daphne’s brother Anthony comes out next month.


From Queen Victoria’s accession to the throne in 1837, Masterpiece Classics’ Victoria follows her rise to power. As the young queen, Jenna Coleman is surrounded by a strong cast (including the ever-excellent David Oakes). Nancy Skerrett, played by Nell Hudson, is a familiar face to Outlander fans.

This show does a great job of integrating political and social history with the gratuitous costumes and sets one expects of a period piece. In the show, society is analyzed both at the macro and micro levels, as one of history’s most famous rulers divulges his intimate emotions about the era.

Victoria is a great option if you are looking for something a little lighter. There are a few downbeat moments, but overall, it’s a lighter option than The Last Kingdom.


The follow-up to Outlander, Poldark, is by far the most popular. How come? There’s no denying Aidan Turner’s portrayal of Ross Poldark, the titular tortured redcoat returned to England following the Revolutionary War.

A prequel to Poldark is Outlander’s fifth season, which explores North Carolina’s colonial history. See what happens when Aidan returns home to find his father dead, his house in a mess, and his love engaged.

Luna Nera

Netflix released the series in January 2020. The story takes place in 17th century Italy, a time when witchcraft and fear reigned. Due to their grandmother’s murder for being a witch, Ade and her brother are on the run, and they find protection among actual ancient witches.

Romeo and Juliet is also a bit of a theme in Luna Nera. The prosecutor’s son, Santi, falls in love with Ade. In the end, Santi sides with Ade over his controlling father because he is infatuated by her. There is nothing better than watching this show just for the costumes, the special effects, and the cast. Despite being predictable, the story is still entertaining.

Wrapping Up

That is all for this post. We hope you will enjoy watching these shows as much as you enjoyed watching the Outlander. If you also have suggestions for us, let us know in the comments section below. We will get back to you soon.

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